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Birthday greeting to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Wishing him a long and healthy life. May his bles


Inspiring Dalai Lama quotes on life, love, and a healthy mind

01. Dalai Lama continues to inspire

“We tend to think that happiness comes from money and power, without acknowledging the role of the mind or that the key to happiness is inner peace. When we are mentally distressed, physical comfort brings little relief, whereas we can often withstand physical pain if we are mentally at peace,” writes the Dalai Lama in a soon-to-release book. As we come out of the pandemic, now, more than ever, do His Holiness’ words ring true. The Little Book of Encouragement,(Penguin Random House India), which carries some of his choicest words of wisdom over the years, can be a great source of succour for many of us who are coping with loss, stress or struggling to return to a semblance of normalcy.

02. Dalai Lama on love

"Our life depends so much on others that at the root of our existence lies a fundamental need for love. This is why it is good to cultivate an authentic sense of responsibility and concern for the welfare of others."

03. Dalai Lama on "emotional disarmament"

‘As per Buddhist perspective, every sentient being is acquainted with suffering and the truths of sickness, old age, and death. But as human beings, we have the capacity to use our minds to conquer anger, panic, and greed. In recent years, I have stressed upon “emotional disarmament”: seeing things realistically and clearly, without the confusion of fear or rage. If a problem has a solution, we must work to find it; if it does not, we need not waste time thinking about it.’

04. Dalai Lama on mental health

‘Regarding mental bullying on the internet that leads young people to self-harm and suicide—as human beings, we are intelligent and can evaluate and choose what to take seriously. Even the Buddha advised his followers:

‘As the wise test gold by burning, cutting and rubbing it, so bhikshus, should you accept my words only after testing them, and not merely out of respect for me.’ As a Buddhist and a follower of the Nalanda tradition, I find it very useful to always ask, ‘Why?’’

05. Dalai Lama on the need for a happy mind

‘Scientists have evidence to prove that basic human nature is compassionate. They have also found the opposite, that constant anger and hatred weaken our immune system. Therefore, just as we teach people physical hygiene to help preserve their physical health, for a happy and peaceful mind, we need to teach people about emotional hygiene— how to tackle their destructive emotions.’

06. Dalai Lama on politics

"During the last century, several countries have been at war with each other. I have great admiration for the spirit of the European Union though; the countries within the European Union have not waged war against another. Seventy years of peace! The European Union was rightly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. Politics can change just as people can. The European Union is a wonderful peace project that gives me hope."

07. Dalai Lama on the idea of oneness

‘We must recognize that we are not individuals who are alone. We depend on our community and are a part of it. No matter how rich your family is, without the community you cannot survive. In the past, there has been too much emphasis on one’s continent, nation, and religion. Now that sort of thinking is considered outdated. What we really need is a sense of oneness among seven billion human beings. This could be one of the positive outcomes of the coronavirus crisis.’



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